Minggu, 18 Desember 2016

Speech Mangrove Forests

Benefits of Mangrove Forests

Good morning..
Dear miss
I loved all the friends ...
First let us pray gratitude the presence of almighty god is one, because it's his gift we can gather in this place in a healthy state survived.
on this occasion, let me convey a word or two about the benefits of mangrove forests.
mangrove forest is a forest that is located on the waterfront. where the water is brackish or salt water mixture with fresh water. Indonesia is the largest mangrove in the world beyond Brazil, Nigeria and Australia. with an area of ​​approximately 2.5 to 4.5 million hectares.
 benefits of mangrove forests,
From an economic perspective, mangrove forests produce several types of wood are of good quality, and also the results of non-wood or commonly referred to as Non-Timber Forest Products (NTFPs), such as charcoal or wood; tannins, dyes and cosmetics; as well as food and beverages. Including them are animals commonly rounded up like water monitor lizards, mud crabs and shrimp mangroves, and many other fish.
The benefits are more important than the mangrove forests are ecological function as coastal protection, habitat for many species of wildlife, and the enlargement (nursery grounds) many species of marine fish.
One major function of mangroves is to protect the shoreline from erosion or abrasion, as well as dampen the great waves including tsunamis.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Let us preserve the raw forest. by way of replanting mangrove should involve the community, Improved motivation and awareness to preserve and utilize mangrove responsibly.
so enough of my speech, if there are words that one power apologize.
Good morning......

Sabtu, 17 Desember 2016

Recommendations on you for things to do in your city
City Dwelling I Was in town Bengkayang West Kalimantan. I let them know ya. there are some things that can be visited in the city bengkaysng. The first place that cascade favor. cascade waterfall cultivation is located in the area gorged. with very clear water arrives. The second is the cascade madi.riam madi also did not lose his appeal with the cascade favor. The third is the hill mushrooms. mushroom hill is a hill located in the village jaku. This hill adalh the only hill we could see the city gorged remotely. at night is very beautiful.

My last meal

My Last Meal on Earth
when asked about the singer? WHAT Yang Anda think? Andar definitely thought if I Have to Respond? if I Answering this is my last day on earth?
have to think hard ..
if my favorite food on earth today is the food that is Bilat-spherical, there are noodles, and no eggs. all already know another tidsk nothing but the meatballs. why power select meatballs meatballs because it was tasty, nutritious, protein and fat are also contained therein.
 The second is the spicy porridge reason I chose the spicy porridge because I afalah yamg type of person likes spicy. chili is my favorite chili also contains vitamin A, and also can increase appetite of people is increasing.
 enough here, how about you?

A latter

A letter to your younger self and your 10-years-later self.

Hello friends this time I will post about a latter to your younger self and your 10-year-later self.
All of us have you ever feel small? since childhood I also included a spoiled child in the elderly. when I asked for something I should be. but I also included a failed can be said of people with little or future children. why do I say that? since the days of my little I was always away from my friends the other. I was always alone. because srlama I was little I always dibuli people around me. so far I'm still hard to hang out with my friends.
  But I'm sure in the next ten years I would be successful. either in the way of thinking as well as in the economy and not far from the Lord. by the grace of God I got through the days of evil. thank you God....
This only can I share about my life ....

Jumat, 16 Desember 2016


Your karouke of choice song and why?

Hi, friends. this time the battery will be posting about the song that I chose when singing or KAROUKE.
  in fact I was the type of person who does not like to sing, to everyone or coming forth. why is that because of the level of my confidence was still lacking and also mentally I was still weak. to appear before. I usually prefer to sing in places deserted, desolate as in-room, bathroom and when alone.
  if about a song that I always choose when I sing is spiritual songs, dangdut and pop. certainly in a day that many of the songs that I sing.
  akku reason for choosing hymns that this song is certainly good to hear this song we can consciously through the contents contained in the song.
  and why I love dangdut music is both entertaining as any. and why I chose pop because it's just a hobby.
  enough here to see you at the next post.

Kamis, 15 Desember 2016


Favorite Place I've Travelled To

Hello friends, my blog again, this time I will write about a favorite place I've ever visited so far. before I ever dream of going in china, but, it was not possible for me. because I think going there need a lot of money and also more important is that we must know the English language.
  Friends, to this day I try to be able to speak English.
   and until recently the favorite places I've ever visited is a long sand or the so-called beautiful ocean beaches (PSI). singkawang located in West Kalimantan. because according to me there is an interesting place. in addition there are also interesting places to swim dsn picnic spot. cool air is also either in the morning or in the evening. This is the first favorite place I've ever visited today.
 The second place is the square of the Kapuas in Pontianak. why I chose this place because this place is a place where memories I had in junior high school days. at that time we were the ninth grade study tour along with teachers. This is very exciting for me, because those moments where we can joke laughter gather together teachers and many of my fondest memories are stored in this place.
 This cuman friends that I can share about my favorite place. how about you?

Rabu, 14 Desember 2016


Mangrove forest

Ladies and Gentlemen,
  Mangroves are widespread in parts is quite hot in the world, especially around the equator in tropical areas and less in subtropical.
Extensive mangrove forests in Indonesia between 2.5 to 4.5 million hectares, is the largest mangrove in the world.
   Mangrove forests also called mangrove forests are forests growing on brackish water marshes located on the coastline and affected by ocean tides. This forest is growing, especially in places where there is silting and accumulation of organic matter. Good in coves sheltered from the onslaught of the waves, as well as around the mouth of the river where the water slows down and precipitate sludge had brought from upstream.
Mangrove ecosystems are unique, both for their siltation resulting in lack of soil aeration; high soil salinity; and experiencing the cycle of tidal inundation by sea water. Only a few types of plants that survive in this kind of place, and these types are mostly typical of mangroves having already gone through the process of adaptation and evolution.
    Benefits and biological functions of mangrove forests, among others:
• The marine life, both for shelter, feeding, spawning and rearing.
• Sources of food for species in the vicinity.
• The live many other animals such as monkeys, crocodiles, and birds.
    Benefits and physical function of mangrove forests, among others:
• Retention of coastal erosion.
• Retaining intrusion (absorption) of sea water inland.
• Retention of storms and salt laden.
• Reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) in the air (air pollution).
   Efforts can be made to improve and preserve the mangrove forests, among others:
1. Replanting mangrove should involve the community. The model can be a community engaged in breeding, planting and maintenance and utilization of mangrove forest conservation-based. These models provide benefits to the community, among others, the opening of employment opportunities resulting in increased incomes.
2. Rearrangement of spatial coastal areas: residential, vegetation, etc. Coastal regions can be arranged into ecological city once can be used as a beach tourism (ecotourism) form of nature tourism or other forms.
3. Increased motivation and awareness to preserve and utilize mangrove responsibly.
Hadiririn Dear, let us preserve our mangrove.
so many of my speech more or less I apologize.