Selasa, 06 Desember 2016



Ahead Of is Time,
gutsy biofouel firm goes bust

since, 2003, discover has ben terpoting on a biofoul company that turned turkey guts, garbage and old tries into oil to help power generator.
changing world technologies mrthod of thermal depholymerication  used intense head and presure to break waste material into desirale ,short clainbydrocarbons (much like the earths super- slow , fosil foel- prodaching proces).
     as in turn out the company production costes were too high to complite comerciali.
after only four year in operation , in filed for bankruptcy  and suthered its kartage me plan in 2009, there can be disadyantages to being first , says robert brown, a mechanical enginer at lowa state university who dorks on biofoul devilovmen.
    changung word thecnologies radical approach was ultymately ahead ofits time. sinche than several new start.

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